We have here a photo that was sent to us by one of our fellow treasure hunter which is an old or antique jar that belonged to the Japanese.

According to him, they call this antique jar “tibod” in their own local language. This means that this particular object has a value similar to the jewelries.
So the question here by our fellow treasure hunter is, “Does this antique jar really have a value?”
This antique jar was owned by his father.
At some period of time in the past, he overheard a conversation between his older brother and a person who was interested in buying the antique jar for a price of ten thousand pesos.
During this time, this amount of money was already considered a large sum of money. However, their father disagreed with selling his antique jar.
Time had passed and their father died. Suddenly, his older brother asked him about the old jar. This was the only time that he realized that this antique object was left behind by their father in their own house.
So the older brother had asked him to take photos of the item and then look for a person who can read the Kanji symbol on it.
In this photo, we can see a close photo of the Kanji symbol that he wants to be interpreted. According to him, he actually has a Japanese friend who can read Kanji.
So he showed this symbol and he interpreted the meaning as “power”.

Studying the symbol on my own, I totally agree that this is a Kanji symbol so as with the interpretation of his Japanese friend.
So aside from “power”, it can also be interpreted with meanings as “strength, strong, bear up, and exert”.
In my own opinion, this meaning probably has something to do with the original content of this old jar.
Aside from the Kanji symbol, our fellow treasure hunter noticed something about his antique jar. He noticed that there seems to be a mixture of gold on it.
But when it comes into this matter, this really requires an actual examination of the object to fully confirm.
If it happens that this old jar has a mixture of gold then I can say that this object can be heavy.
And when it comes to its value, the basis will not only be on the weight of the gold but this includes the antique quality of the jar itself.
The engraved Kanji symbol on this antique jar has something to do with “power” or “strength”. Based on my own opinion, this meaning has something to do with the details of the original contents of this old jar.
When it comes to the value, surely, this old object has a high price simply because of being antique. And if it happens that it really has a mixture of gold then its value will further increase several times up.